
Contraband Detection EOD

Contraband Detection EOD

Contraband Detection EOD

Contraband Detection for EOD and Law Enforcement users now have an edge with LED fiberscopes and the Dirty Bomb Detector. These can be used with our Bomb Jammers when dealing with the inspection for radio controlled weapons.

Contraband detectors and bomb detectors can also be implemented when conducting routine searches of travelers who might be concealing weapons, explosives, and narcotics. These types of contraband may be hidden inside of vehicles, luggage, or packages.


fibercopes as bomb detectors, contraband detectors, and under door scopes use LED fiberscope technology to transfer optical light and images in fiber scopes during contraband detection

Dirty Bomb Detector

Dirty Bomb Detector

Dirty bomb detector or radiation detector used for radiation detection and radiation monitoring to find a dirty bomb that gives off background radiation which also happens to operate as a scintillation detector for isotope detection.